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How to Remove Hot Tub Foam

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Bubbles are great and all, but foam is a different story. Surfactants such as toiletries, different kinds of drinks, and your dead skin cells can contribute to the frothy water. To effectively remove it, follow any of the solutions below:

Photo by Jakob Dalbjörn on Unsplash

Pour Vinegar
Vinegar works as a powerful de-foaming agent. If you have only a thin layer of foam in the hot tub, you can pour vinegar straight into the water. This should be done at a ratio of 10 to 1. For example, if the hot tub holds 100 gallons of water, use 1 gallon of vinegar. The downside is you may notice a slight hint of a vinegar smell to the water, but this will evaporate over time. Source: Hunker

Drain the Hot Tub
Basic Steps to Drain Your Hot Tub

  1. Use a line flush product, as needed, according to the package directions.
  2. Remove the filters. Depending on how dirty they are, you can either clean or replace (If you’re not sure, it’s safer just to replace.)
  3. Turn off the power to your hot tub, disconnect anything electrical, and trip the breaker.
  4. Drain your hot tub using a sump pumpor the drain plug.

Basic Steps to Clean and Refill Your Hot Tub

  1. Once your hot tub is entirely drained, wipe down the interior surface with a mixture of one part white vinegarto four parts water. Or you can use hot tub cleaner.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the inside of your hot tub and wipe it down.
  3. Make sure to remove all traces of cleaner. Otherwise, you’ll end up with foamy water again!
  4. Replace your filters.
  5. Refill your hot tub. We recommend you use a hose filterattached to your garden hose to prevent chemical impurities. Source: SwimUniversity

Rinse before Soaking
Shower before entering the hot tub. Body lotions, shampoos, conditioners, suntan lotions and hair gels rinse off in the hot tub and add to the foam problem. Encourage women with long hair to tie up their hair to keep it out of the water. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

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(604) 539-2182